Saturday, April 7, 2012

Choosing the Sacrificial Lamb

 When Jesus entered Jerusalem to the waving of palm branches with palm branches carpeting the path before him, cloaks being spread beneath him, he would have passed the pool of Bethesda, the sheep pool.  Here were gathered flocks of sheep to be washed and presented to the temple priests for the upcoming Passover feast
According to tradition, one of them would have been chosen, on that very day, Palm Sunday, as THE sacrificial lamb... That most perfect, beautiful and unblemished lamb... the lamb of their passover from slavery to freedom, to be the first to be slain, precisely at 3:00 p.m., on Friday, at the altar of the temple and whose blood would be sprinkled by the high priest upon the mercy seat in the holy of holies... the only time of the year that any mortal would enter that sacred room.  That lamb would be the only lamb to be burned entirely.  All the others would have only selected portions burned while the rest was returned to the families for their passover feast


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