Tuesday, March 8, 2011

a few more Karak Photo's and the surrounding country

Here is a photo of the dry moat
This is looking north towards Madaba and Amman.  There is a fairly sizable Christian population in this area.  They raise hogs for slaughter.

another view... I can't remember if this is looking east or west.  Very hilly country, isn't it?
an underground chamber with a skylight.  Each of the archways lead to a room
This is a chapel... also underground.  It was amazing to see that they basically had a whole city under the ground!  
This a a pretty good long shot of  about a quarter of the above ground land area of the castle.  You can not tell how much of a system is hidden under the ground.  The structure you see is one of only a few that are left above the ground.  The darkened area in the foreground of the photo is the top of one of the entrances leading to the underground maze.  From the top it looks like just a bunch of rubble, but the bottom structures are actually quite sound.  Perhaps there were originally many more above ground structures.  
Another close up shot of the imposing Glace`


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