We are standing on top of the north hill bordering the Elah Valley. On the side opposite of us is where the Philistine fortifications are. The most famous battle to occur in this valley was the battle between David and Goliath! We had such fun imagining how it might have been. Each morning for 40 days, Goliath and the Philistine army would assemble at the bottom of the hill where we stand, and challenge Israel to send someone to fight with Goliath. Below where we are standing there is a small brook, no doubt where David picked up his 5 small stones

Here we see the remnant of one of the 2 gates that lead into the garrison area. In the background we can see Bethlehem on the far hills, about 15 miles away. Can't you just see David traipsing over hill and dale with provisions for his brothers, only to discover that no one is fighting because they are afraid of Golliath? I can just see David's indignation. How could they challenge the God of Israel! They were just challenging an army in his mind
Here we are standing between the double walls that enclose probably 15 acres of land on the hill top. The walls are 3,000 years old!! We were amazed at what a good state of preservation they are in. Apparently they are not visited as often as many of the more popular sites
This is one of the garrison areas where Saul's men would have slept, stored food, weapons, armor, etc. This hilltop fortification is maybe 2 miles from Bethshemesh
Another gate. The town of Bethshemesh had the same name as this fortification. Bethshemesh means 2 gates. This fortification is only about 12 miles from the Old City, which at the time of the battle between David and Goliath did not yet exist