Saturday, April 7, 2012


 In church today, we had a man speak who is/was an emergency room doctor.  He told us of some of the abounding grief that he has witnessed over the years.  One example was an extended family reunion to honor the patriarch of a family on his birthday. After an idyllic afternoon, everyone gathered in the driveway to say goodbye to grandpa.  A 2 year old holding a ball raised her hand to wave goodbye, lost the ball and dived under the car at the exact moment grandpa put the car in gear.  Dr Chapman said that the grief of the family was so palpable and unbearable that he had to leave the room. He could not bear their grief
 Another doctor tried to give us some perspective on what kind of pain Christ endured.  They say that when some experiences amputation that they will bleed from a few pores at the site.  Once a woman was involved in an airplane crash.  The forward thrust of her seat on impact broke her back a little below the waist.  She bled from pores at the site
For behold, I, God, have suffered these things for all, that they might no suffer if they would repent; but if they would not repent they must suffer even as I; Which suffering caused myself, even God, the greatest of all, to tremble because of pain, and to bleed at every pore, and to suffer both body and spirit--and would that I might not drink the bitter cup and shrink--Nevertheless, glory be to the Father, and I partook and finished my preparations unto the children of men
D&C 19:16-19


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